200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training Resources
Cycle Awareness
Cycle Tracking Chart (PDF)
Uma Dinsmore-Tuli’s book: ‘Yoni Shakti: A Women’s Guide to Power and Freedom through Yoga and Tantra’ www.yoganidranetwork.org/product/yoni-shakti-paperback-kindle/
The work of Alexandra Pope and Sjanie Hugo Wurlitzer of Red School on menstruality consciousness and their books ‘Wild Power: Discover the Power of Your Menstrual Cycle and Awaken the Feminine Path to Power’ and ‘Wise Power: Discover the Liberating Power of Menopause to Awaken Authority, Purpose and Belonging’ www.redschool.net
Maisie Hill’s book: ‘Period Power: Harness your hormones and get your cycle working for you’ www.maisiehill.com
Jane Hardwicke Collings, a powerful teacher who helps women reclaim feminine knowledge, wisdom and power through reconnection with women’s mysteries: www.janehardwickecollings.com
App for tracking the moon ‘The Moon: Calendar Moon Phases’
Wild Wisdom Journal: www.wildwisdomjournal.co.uk
The Menstruality Podcast: www.redschool.net/podcast
Free Yoga Nidra Library by Uma, Nirlipta and a host of others trained in Total Yoga Nidra. And if you’d like some specifically for women then there are some from Uma’s book Yoni Shakti here.