13 Yoga Teacher Training Frequently Asked Questions

Embarking on a deeper yoga journey can feel like a big leap. Below is a list of questions we’ve gathered over the years from graduates before they enrolled in the 200-Hour Yoga Teacher Training. We thought it may help you to know that you’re not alone and feel at ease before you make your leap with us. Please email us if any of your questions aren’t answered here. We look forward to walking on this path of well-being with you.

Read to the end and see the most commonly asked question and find out if you're ready to embark on this transformational journey. 

1. What will this training allow me to do afterwards?

You'll be able to teach Hatha-based yoga class which could be gentle yoga or vinyasa flow classes. There are other joyful things you can do afterwards too, like experiencing the joy of your first sip of coffee/tea of the day but we'll get into that on the course.

2. Am I able to teach prenatal, restorative or yin yoga after this course?

These are specialty styles of yoga and require additional education for a deeper understanding to teach them. We suggest that you enroll in these specialty courses after taking your 200-Hour YTT. Most studios require that you have your foundational 200-Hour YTT and extra training completed before offering these specialty classes. 

3. Do I need to attend all of the training?

Yes, we strongly suggest that you do as each day is quite packed with goodies. But if you miss a day or two due to family emergencies or unforeseen circumstances, we understand. Please let us know in advance or as soon as possible so we can catch you up. 

4. Is there a lot of homework in the course?

We understand that everyone lives busy lives. The last thing you need is to add more to your plate.  The homework we'll be assigning isn't separated from your home life. It's more ‘how do I integrate the teachings into my daily activities’ and ‘how to do I develop a nourishing home-practice’ Some of our graduates in the past loved their ‘homework’ so much that it is now a part of their life!

5. Are there exams?

The training includes several sessions of practice teaching to help you get comfortable with teaching and using your voice. There are no exams.

6. I’m going through a challenging time in my life at the moment. Should I take this course? I don’t want to overspill my pain onto others.

Everyone goes through challenges and you're not alone. We think ‘finding the right moment’ to do things that help us are just notions and illusions that may never give us that right moment. If you're going through a rough patch in life or living a very busy life, like a hamster on a hamster wheel, the collective energy on the course can help us to slow down and can be a source of healing and support. Come and allow the community energy to be there for you. 

7. Where in my yoga practice should I be if I want to join? 

We suggest that you have a yoga practice before embarking on a yoga teacher training program. For a quantifiable suggestion, perhaps know the primary standing poses (warrior poses and sun salutations), seated and lying poses. 

8. I feel a bit old to start teaching yoga. Can I still join?

Absolutely! Yoga is for every body and we believe that age is just a number. If you don't agree with that statement then we'd like to add that age also comes with wisdom. But then again, we also have had friends who were young in age but wise in spirit. In short, we welcome folks from all walks of life and at all ages to the program. Did you know that Hang is actually 110 years old and is still kicking around ;)

9. I have limiting physical abilities or I have had injuries or surgery(ies). Can I join?

We believe in the saying, "The practice meets you where you're at." Yoga is about being inclusive and accommodating. We're here to help you understand the dos and don'ts of yoga shapes that are right for your body. If you're not sure if you should sign up for this training, please do email us and we'll be happy to chat with you. 

10. I love yoga and want to learn more about the history and philosophy of yoga but don't want to teach it. Can I still enrol in the course? 

Absolutely. We have had many participants who signed up to help kickstart their spiritual journey.

11. Do you offer payment plans?

Yes, we do. Please reach out to us and together we'll figure something out. We don't want money to be a show-stopper for this pivotal point of your life.

12. What kind of certification will I receive?

The short answer: You will receive an equivalance of a 200-hour yoga teacher training certificate from saigon om.

Long answer: Currently, there is no international yoga alliance certification as each country has its own alliance. Additionally, most yoga teachers often mistaken these “alliances” for credentialing or licensing organizations but they actually fulfill neither of these functions.

Because of that saigon om is not affiliated with any of them. With that said, your saigon om certification is all you really need to teach. Non of our students in the past have trouble getting a teaching job without yoga alliance.

Here’s an article on the Shortcomings and Limitations of Yoga Alliance.

13. MOST COMMONLY ASKED: How do I know if I'm ready to embark on this journey?

We suggest that you sit still in a quiet place for few minutes, hold your hands to your heart while joyfully focusing on your breath to help calm down the mind and body. Then ask your heart. "Is this course for me?" The heart will give you a clear answer. The mind, on the other hand, loves to give reasons, conditions and other ideas on why and why not.

Ready to sign up for our YTT? Or have more questions?

Email us at hello@saigonom.com to register and and we’ll be happy to make a time to chat and answer any questions over the phone.