Dear Qi Gong Friends,

A fresh ocean breeze smile to you. The time is almost here. Can you believe it? Soon, we’ll be reunited….. in person! Something we don’t hear very often with all the online and social distancing.

Below are the details for all three workshops. We invite you to smile and enjoy your breathing as you read through them.

So, you may have heard about COVID-19? And how it has opened our eyes to life’s preciousness? To help everyone have a beautiful and joyful morning sharing and learning together with the ocean and sun as our backdrop, and making lovely friends on the path, Sarah and I would like to remind you to maintain a 1.5 metre distance when you practice or chat with each other. It saddens us to say no hugging either, well only air hugs. Please only take your masks off when we’re practicing, since some of the Qi Gong forms can make us breathless. We have also followed the Victorian Health suggestions of a maximum of 10 students.

1. Saturday, October 24, 2020 (Rain Date: October 31. I’ll send out a text around 6am to confirm on the morning of. Could we have your mobile number please?)
2. Saturday, November 14, 2020
3. Saturday, December 5, 2020

7am to 8:30am. Please arrive 5-10 minutes early to settle in so we can start on time.

The training will take place on Ocean Grove beach at post 18W, just a little past the Dunes Cafe, if you’re coming from Ocean Grove along Barwon Heads-Ocean Grove Road/C129. Below is a map along with photos of the entrance just off Barwon Heads-Ocean Grove Road.

There is plenty of free all-day parking around the toilet block.


  1. Water bottle

  2. Please layer up in case it gets cold or windy. Don’t forget your beanie, hat and sunnies.

  3. Swimsuit, if you’d like to go for dip after the practice.

Please let us know via email if you have any injuries, limitations or medical conditions that we should be aware of. This will help us accommodate you at the workshops.

We respect your privacy and would like to ask for your permission to take photos during the workshops for social media to help promote the healing Qi Gong practice. Please privately talk to us at the workshop if you do not wish to be in the photos.

Hang's phone number is 0491 964 758, for coffee dates (-: or you need to reach me for Qi Gong reasons.

We look forward to sharing the beautiful practice of Qi Gong with you. Please let us know if you have any questions.

With a Gentle Smile and Gratitude,
Hang & Sarah