Important Lessons My Mom Has Taught Me

When asked who I admire the most. My usual answer is my parents. Not only did they courageously and single handedly helped 11 children, grandma and 200+ escape Vietnam on a tiny boat in the late 70’s, they instilled so many wonderful values in us growing up in Canada, in particular my mother.  In my Chinese culture, every day is mother’s day, not just one random day in the month of May. We were brought up to respect everyone, especially our elders. I love this about my up-bringing because without my parents and ancestors I would not exist and become the person I really am today.

Yes, like other adolescents I have had my fair share of disagreements with my mom growing up. As a more matured and really good looking woman now, I find myself remembering bits of talks and lessons my mom has taught me growing up in Canada. I always smile when I think of the times my mom said the following:

1) “When you visit a friend’s house, always greet your friend’s parents. Respect and treat them like you would treat your father and myself.”

2) “Nobody wants to invite back a lazy guest for dinner.  Don’t just sit there, jump in and help out with the cooking and cleaning.”

3) “If you want to be successful in life, you have to work hard and put in 100% effort. Your hard work will pay off.”

4) “Be careful who you befriend with. Close to light you’re bright. Close to ink you’re dark.” was often recited by my mom, loosely translated as “you become the people you surround yourself with.”

5) “You won’t pay for your sins, your children and their children will.”

6) “Take care of your brothers and sisters. Despite your differences, you are still family.” Me, under my breath, “But mom, there are 10 of them!”

Thanks, mom.

What are some important lessons your mom has taught you? 

Loving my mom,